In today’s world of rapid scientific development, artificial intelligence has become an integral part of the cutting-edge research and educational efforts of Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Thanks to AI, even the most intricate tasks such as the quality control of agricultural products and livestock health monitoring can be automated and efficiently executed. AI-driven cameras are used to recognize and analyze agricultural goods, allowing for fully automated farming practices even under diverse environmental conditions. In addition, the ability for AI to recognize and characterize genetic traits has the potential to lead to the development of highly resistant and fertile crop varieties. Clearly, the possibilities supplied by AI are far from endless.
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is a multi-disciplinary research university focusing on the domains of life and environment. Founded in 1918, WUR has since grown to become one of the leading universities for agricultural science, life sciences and environmental research in Europe. Today, WUR offers research programs and educational programs, as well as international collaborations with businesses in the field of applied agronomy, ecology and earth sciences, among others. Knowledge and research derived from WUR are utilized worldwide in order to better connect the world, promote sustainability and secure food supplies and safe living environments.
One of the driving forces behind the successes and accomplishments of the Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is Merel Ritskes-Hoitinga. As interim president of WUR, she harnesses the institution’s research and educational opportunities, driving it towards innovation and collaboration. With a background in nutrition, Ritskes-Hoitinga is a strong advocate of the university’s mission, which is to make use of the latest developments in AI and technology in order to provide healthy nutrition and a healthy environment. Through her two decades of experience in the academic and practical fields, she continuously strives to improve the lifestyle and quality of life for the people all over the world.