As the metaverse expands, ethical questions have emerged concerning the morality and ethics of the space. As AI and wearable technology have also been sources of ethical discussion, now the concept of digital reality is also being looked at in the same manner. Many countries have begun to invest in this technology, as well as businesses and even court cases, showing people are eager to enter the metaverse.
When dealing with behavior that is deemed unethical, a variety of approaches can be utilized. Mike Kondoudis, a licensed trademark attorney, recently reported that the filing of trademarks relating to NFTs, cryptocurrencies, and the metaverse had hit an all-time high. The ways to combat potential criminal activity of this kind currently consists of methods such as blacklisting wallets and reversing transactions. This can be done by gaining consensus of the blockchains, though it is still seen as a controversial way of doing so since some form of physical world law enforcement is still required.
Yat Siu, CEO and co-founder of Animoca Brands, stressed the importance of the framework in the physical world in order to tackle any ethical matters that may arise. Siu also commented on the fact that in places with specific geographical locations, local views on morality and ethics will come into play, citing the Colombian court case that occurred in the metaverse previously.
John Kobs, CEO and founder of digital artist residency Wildxyz, believes strongly in creating an ethical standard in the metaverse that has respect and inclusivity for all involved. He recognizes that this will be a true challenge, as the morals and ethics of the new digital world have yet to be shaped by its environment.
Civilizations in physical reality have for centuries been struggling to determine proper moral and ethical codes. Though most democracies have been a product of these debates, their forms have taken a variety of shapes influenced by the cultures they evolved among. In the metaverse, the democracy and ethics within it will potentially be shaped by the digital environment.
Having already seen the potential that the metaverse can unlock, the current focus of developing the space is on utilizing ethical codes and respecting existing laws. The brand new technology that has been put into play brings up questions that humans have struggled with since history and will continue to debate and refine separately to the physical world.
Animoca Brands is a global entertainment company that specialises in blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the gaming industry. This leading entertainment company develops, publishes, and distributes games, digital assets and other products for global tech giants, as well as for a large number of other users. Animoca Brands also provides entertainment products for various ethical and moral applications worldwide.
Yat Siu is the CEO and co-founder of Animoca Brands, a global entertainment company focused on blockchain, artificial intelligence, and gaming. Siu has over 30 years of experience in technology, digital media and entertainment, and has had a hand in the development of some of the most recognizable mobile and online gaming platforms. He has a passion for education and technology and his current focus is on leveraging the metaverse for more humane and ethical applications.