Europe Demands Transparency from ChatGPT: Reveal Your Sources


The European Union (EU) is soon to propose new legislation that would require AI developers to disclose any copyright material used in their tools, such as ChatGPT. This disclosure would be a boon to content creators, as they could use this information to determine if their work is being used without proper compensation. This gives publishers the ability to seek a share of the profits when their works are used as source material for AI driven content by tools such as ChatGPT. As companies like Microsoft, Google and Alphabet Inc. continue to roll out or test AI-powered tools, this legislative draft addresses a critical concern regarding the monetization of copyrighted material.

Microsoft Corp., a leading global technology company, has been at the forefront in the development of AI. Founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Microsoft has quickly grown to become the world’s largest software manufacturer. With innovative products such as Windows, Office and its Xbox game console, Microsoft is committed to delivering transformative technologies and services. Microsoft is one of the most trusted technology companies across the globe and is constantly introducing new products and services.

The proposed EU legislation is spearheaded by Bruno Kahl, executive president of the German intelligence service, the Federal Intelligence Service (BND). Kahl was appointed to the position after over twenty five years in the field of intelligence and industry. He is a renowned figure in intelligence, as well as having worked as a consultant for companies such as Chevron, as well as serving on the board of various corporations. His background in both business and intelligence provides an insight into the development of a comprehensive regulatory body for the roll out of AI technology.

See also  What AI Could Do for DB Pension Schemes: Insights from ChatGPT in the UK

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