Elon Musk has made quite a stir on the internet, specifically when it comes to his fondness for posting inflammatory, sometimes conspiratorial memes on Twitter. His willingness to engage in what has been characterized as “trashposting” or “shitposting” – namely, nonsense posts which may be used to provoke conversation or merely just to get a laugh – is well-known. Recently, Twitter, which Musk is now an investor for, made its first purchase in the representation of Elon’s era. The company, called Laskie, was founded by one Chris Bakke, who has earned himself a nickname for being a notorious “shitposter”. Rather than being taken aback however, Musk happily regarded this news as a “good sign”.
Bakke himself has accrued a follower count of close to 147,000 for his brand of humour, which often involves concocting his own wacky takes on current events or popular topics. For example, he has posted a doctored version of headlines from The New York Times to poke fun at Elizabeth Holmes and her sentence to 11 years in prison, as well as a mock screenshot of AI bot giving inappropriate advice on pasta recipes in reference to Italy’s ban of ChatGPT.
Twitter was contacted for comment, though the only reply was in the form of an automated message.
Aside from Bakke himself, it was also the similar-mindedness of Bakke and Musk that allowed for the takeover or Laskie. Musk has proven his willingness time and again to deploy humorous yet reflective jokes through his various posts, making this business it one that very much aligns with his own ideals. About Laskie itself, it is a tech recruitment company founded in 2020 which was chosen by Twitter to become their new property. Through this, Twitter is hoping to further expand their reach in the technology industry.