Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of Tesla, recently announced that his company would be launching an artificial intelligence platform, known as TruthGPT. He hopes to compete against the offerings of Microsoft (ChatGPT) and Google (Bard). Musk also commented on OpenAI, accusing the company of “training AI to lie”. Moreover, he made a jab at Google co-founder Larry Page, accusing him of not giving AI security the attention it needs. Musk’s AI, TruthGPT, is allegedly designed to seek the “ultimate truth” and understand the universe, according to an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. He defended TruthGPT by assuring that it would have little chance of breaking humanity.
Tesla is currently recruiting a few Google researchers for the TruthGPT service. In addition, Musk recently registered X.AI Corp in Nevada to aid in the development of his AI. Recently, he and other tech entrepreneurs, executives from Google and a pool of AI experts called for a six-month pause in the development of OpenAI’s GPT-4. This request was due to fears of the security risks the artificial intelligence poses to society.
GPT-4 is a natural language processing system meant to generate human-like written texts. It has been a source of controversy, especially in light of Musk’s outspoken attitude on the danger of AI. According to Musk, “AI is more dangerous than poor production cars or airplane design” as it has the potential to “destroy civilization”. AI is a powerful tool that could be used to manipulate public opinion, add to its power of deception.
Tesla is a publicly-traded electric-car manufacturer, headquartered in Palo Alto, California. It has been an automotive technology pioneer and ranks high on many sustainability indexes. Elon Musk has been the CEO since 2008, and has held the position of chairman of the board since 2004. He is a self-made billionaire and tech entrepreneur, having founded several companies, such as SpaceX and Neuralink. Musk is passionate about advancing human progress through technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence and sustainable energy.