Billionaire Elon Musk has taken strides in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the launch of X.AI, an AI company eagerly anticipated to rival the owner ofChatGPTtechnology. Musk operates as the sole director of the company, while Jared Birchall, a former Morgan Stanley banker who manages Musk’s wealth, is the secretary.
In a letter released months before the launch of X.AI, the potential ramifications of AI systems were addressed, questions whether or not their creators would be able to reliably control, predict and even understand the technology. Despite the potential risks, the competition between companies investing in AI technology has only grown, with OpenAI, owned by Musk himself, launching the ChatGPTbot late November 2022.
In 2015, Musk established OpenAI but he left the company in 2018. Since his departure, Musk has been public with his criticism of the company, especially in December of 2020 when he tweeted regarding AI training to stay “awake”. “Awake” is a term used to describe the concerns of the American left around social injustice.
X.AI is a part of a vibrant space bustling with ambitious startups and large corporations alike, all striving to make advancements in the field of Artificial Intelligence. While the success of X.AI has yet to be determined, the competition is certainly heating up, with Musk and Birchall at the helm of the company.