Elon Musk, the well-known entrepreneur, recently announced that he would be launching an AI platform called TruthGPT to better compete with Google and Microsoft’s current offerings. ChatGPT is a chatbot that is owned by Microsoft and OpenAI, a for-benefit association that is firmly aligned with Microsoft. Musk also pointed out that Google co-founder Larry Page does not take AI safety seriously. This is especially pressing as investments in artificial intelligence are on the rise and that this investment has pushed cryptocurrency to the side.
On the other hand, in India many employees choose to stay with their current employers during the layoff era, this percentage is around 47%. This is based on Indeed’s report which mentioned that during the January-March period, only 53% of employers were hired. This is a visible indication of the slow down hiring caused by the crisis. Despite these turbulent times, there is significant hiring within BFSI and healthcare sectors, indicating a bright future for these fields.
The foundation of fuzzy logic systems is fundamental logic, which is valuated using an N- scale input system. A digital output of YES or NO are used to reaffirm depending on the nature/degree of variable stated. This replication of how humans decide is designed in a way to comprehend all possible solutions. It is useful in many aspects such as micro-controllers, car operations, electrical gadgets, etc.
Venture capitalists are investing a considerable portion of their finances in artificial intelligence, consequently making the crypto projects potentially short of funding. Evan Cheng, co-founder and chief executive officer of Mysten Labs advocates that the cryptocurrency industry is the prime factor for this shift. As the value of AI is unmistakable for consumers, this has lured the attention of venture capital firms towards it. On the other hand, the cryptocurrency market’s internal focus has caused it to rise slower.
OpenAI, which is owned by Microsoft, is an artificial intelligence research laboratory specializing in deep learning, working on projects and launching products that can analyze and predict future outcomes. Additionally, Larry Page is the co-founder of Google and oversees the company’s operations, products, and technology. His main aim is to provide the best services to Google users around the world.