Elon Musk recently announced his plans to create a new company to compete against the ChatGPT platform supported by Microsoft. According to people familiar with the matter, Musk has been actively recruiting AI researchers from Alphabet Inc’s Google to launch the startup, labelled X.AI Corp. and registered in Nevada, with Musk listed as the sole director and Jared Birchall, managing director of his family office, as a secretary.
The rivalry between the two companies is growing, as both are attempting to gain control of the AI market and use advances in Artificial Intelligence technology to their advantage. This move by Musk is likely to draw more attention to both companies as they fight for supremacy.
The Company: X.AI Corp is a Nevada based company, established by Elon Musk, to rival the Microsoft-backed ChatGPT platform. The company is taking efforts to recruit AI researchers from Google in an attempt to gain a foothold in the AI market.
The Person: Elon Musk is an entrepreneur, engineer and investor who has gained notoriety due to his involvement with several high-profile companies such as Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity and OpenAI. Musk is taking the initiative by establishing a company to rival the ChatGPT platform in order to make further advancements in the AI market.
Both sides have yet to make a comment about this development as Reuters was unable to obtain any statements from Musk, OpenAI, Microsoft or Page. Musk’s bold move is certain to grab a lot of attention and fuel the competition between both companies for dominance in the AI market.