Elon Musk has announced he will launch a new rival to the Microsoft-backed ChatGPT chatbot. The OpenAI logo is seen on the screen of a mobile phone in the picture below, indicating the potential of the AI technology. Musk has accused Microsoft-backed OpenAI, who develop ChatGPT, of “training the AI to lie” and said it has now become a “closed source”, “for-profit” organisation “closely allied with Microsoft”. He has also criticised co-founder of Google, Larry Page, for not taking AI safety seriously.
In an interview with Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, Musk said he will create the “TruthGPT” platform to challenge the offerings from Microsoft and Google. Musk believes that the TruthGPT system might be the best path to safety that would be “unlikely to annihilate humans”. He further discussed the importance of AI safety during the interview with Carlson, and said “AI is more dangerous than miscalculated aircraft design or car production”.
Apart from his plans for the TruthGPT platform, Musk has also been poaching AI researchers from Alphabet Inc. to launch his own rival to OpenAI. Last month, he registered a firm named X.AI Corp, with himself as the sole director, in Nevada.
Musk has also joined a group of artificial intelligence experts and industry executives to call for a six-month pause in developing systems more powerful than OpenAI’s GPT-4, citing potential risks to society. And he tweeted that he had met with former President Obama when he was in office and urged him to “encourage AI regulation”.
The Microsoft-backed OpenAI is an American non-profit artificial intelligence research laboratory based in San Francisco. OpenAI focuses on developing artificial general intelligence (AGI) for use in a broad range of industries, including robotics and natural language processing (NLP). Founded in December 2015, OpenAI was co-founded by physicists, computer scientists, and roboticists from universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Caltech, and others, in addition to Elon Musk.
Elon Musk is a well-known entrepreneur and investor. Founder, CEO and chief engineer of the rocket manufacturing company Space Exploration Technologies, commonly known as SpaceX, Musk is also responsible for the launch of Tesla Motors, an electric car manufacturing company. He also acquired Twitter, a social media platform, last year for $44 billion. In addition to these achievements, he founded a tunnel-digging company called The Boring Company, and a brain-computer interface company called Neuralink. Musk has achieved a great deal of success in the areas of space exploration, artificial intelligence and transportation, thus showing great potential for the future.