The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) exam has been rocked by allegations of cheating, as the Special Investigation Team (SIT) has uncovered a case involving a divisional engineer allegedly using an AI tool to help candidates cheat. According to the SIT, Poola Ramesh, who works with Telangana State Northern Power Distribution Company Limited (TSNPDCL) as a Divisional Engineer, used the AI tool ChatGPT to allegedly cheat during the exam.
TSNPDCL is a major power distribution company in Telangana state, which supplies electricity to over 72 lakh customers across the state. The company is responsible for the transmission and distribution of power to homes and businesses within Telangana.
Poola Ramesh is a Divisional Engineer with TSNPDCL, responsible for the supervision and management of power distribution in his designated division. His alleged use of the ChatGPT AI tool to cheat in the TSPSC exam has become a major scandal in Telangana state, leading to enquiries into how widespread the use of such tactics may be among candidates sitting for exams in the state.
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