Disney Animation Unveils Nostalgic Animated Short Celebrating Centennial with Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Details
Disney Animation is marking its centennial with a heartfelt tribute to its rich history. The renowned studio recently released a trailer for Once Upon a Studio, an animated short film described by its creators as a love letter to Disney, its artists, and its loyal fans. This nostalgic celebration takes viewers through the magical journey of the studio’s evolution, capturing the essence of its remarkable legacy.
During a press preview, Jennifer Lee, Disney Animation’s chief creative officer, shared her emotional reaction to the pitch by writers/directors Dan Abraham and Trent Correy. Lee recalled, I couldn’t talk. I was so emotional. Abraham added, I will never forget that pitch. She made us cry, right from the start. This sentiment reflects the passion and dedication poured into this project, emphasizing the profound impact of Disney Animation on those involved.
The story begins with a live-action shot inside the lobby of Disney’s animation building, featuring a conversation between a young employee and the late Disney legend, Burny Mattinson. Mattinson, who joined the studio in 1953 as a teenager and remained until his passing earlier this year, represents the enduring spirit and commitment of Disney’s talented artists.
To bring this tribute to life, approximately 40 voice actors returned, including Paige O’Hara (Belle from Beauty and the Beast), Dwayne Johnson (Maui from Moana), and Josh Gad (Olaf from Frozen). While the animation itself is entirely new, the filmmakers incorporated some archival material, paying homage to animation pioneers such as Cliff Edwards, the original voice of Jiminy Cricket in Disney’s 1940 classic Pinocchio.
Notably, the filmmakers proudly announced that no artificial intelligence (AI) was used in the production of Once Upon a Studio. Amidst the technological advancements shaping the industry, this decision received applause, reflecting a desire to honor the craftsmanship and creativity that define Disney Animation’s enduring magic.
One of the highlights of the short film, according to the audience during the screening, was a delightful sequence featuring Flash, the slow-moving DMV employee from Zootopia. In this amusing moment, Flash encounters an impatient Donald Duck and other iconic characters, requesting their assistance in holding the elevator.
The release of Once Upon a Studio marks a significant milestone for Disney Animation, a storied studio that has captivated audiences for a century. This emotional and nostalgic tribute serves as a reminder of the profound impact Disney has had on countless lives and its continued commitment to storytelling excellence.
As Disney Animation celebrates its centennial, fans eagerly anticipate the release of Once Upon a Studio, an animated short that promises to whisk them away on a journey filled with magic, emotion, and a deeper appreciation for the artistry behind the beloved Disney films we cherish.
– [Disney Animation Unveils Nostalgic Animated Short Celebrating Centennial with Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Details](https://link)