Customs and Border Protection (CBP), a division of the Department of Homeland Security, has reportedly been using an AI surveillance tool to scan travelers’ social media for sentiment and emotion. The tool, developed by Fivecast, is said to be capable of collecting targeted data from major online forums as well as niche communities. By analyzing social media posts, the tool can assign emotions such as anger, disgust, or joy to their tone, and even generate charts of the emotional journeys of the posters.
According to a report by 404 Media, an independent media company, CBP has secretly spent millions of dollars on the surveillance software from Fivecast. The acquisition was discovered through public records requests, as state agencies are not forthcoming with such information. The report also obtained leaked audio of a Fivecast employee explaining how the tool could be used against trafficking networks or propaganda operations.
While CBP’s use of the AI surveillance tool has raised concerns among some security experts who question its accuracy in categorizing text, the agency has continued to invest substantial amounts of money in the tool. Public procurement records and internal CBP documents obtained by 404 Media reveal that CBP spent nearly $350,000 in August 2019, over $650,000 in September 2020, $260,000 in August 2021, close to $950,000 in September 2021, and almost $1.17 million in September 2022 on Fivecast software.
The collaboration between Fivecast and authorities from both the US and Australia is highlighted on Fivecast’s website. Dr. Brenton Cooper, CEO of Fivecast, explains in a blog post that the tool was developed through a joint project involving government departments and agencies from both countries, as well as research institutions, to tackle big data challenges in national security and law enforcement.
While authorities and individuals have the freedom to peruse social media posts to identify potential threats, the use of AI surveillance tools like the one employed by CBP raises concerns about privacy and the potential for overreach. However, the tool’s proponents argue that it can be crucial in tracking extremist groups, identifying trafficking networks, and countering propaganda operations.
In an increasingly interconnected world, the use of AI surveillance tools to analyze social media posts has become a part of border control and security measures. However, the debate around the balance between security and privacy is likely to continue as technology evolves and new tools are developed.