Tesla CEO Elon Musk has come under scrutiny after reports emerged that he took drugs with some members of the Tesla board. Witnesses and people briefed on the matter have claimed that Musk’s illegal drug use was common knowledge among several current and former directors of Tesla and SpaceX. Concerns were raised about the volume of Musk’s drug use and allegations that he consumed drugs with some of his board members. However, there were no investigations conducted by the board, nor were any concerns documented.
This revelation comes amidst a recent ruling by a Delaware judge, who criticized the relationship between Musk and his directors, citing conflicts of interest. The judge deemed Musk’s $55 billion pay package excessive.
When approached for comment, neither Musk nor his lawyer responded to requests from The Wall Street Journal, which initially reported on Musk’s use of drugs including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and psychedelic mushrooms. The article also stated that Musk was regularly and randomly drug tested at SpaceX, with no failed results.
According to the WSJ report, some friends and directors felt compelled to take illegal drugs with Musk in order to appease him and maintain their social standing within his circle.
Musk responded to the WSJ story in a typically outspoken manner on the platform X, stating, Whatever I’m doing, I should obviously keep doing it! He went on to assert the success of his companies, Tesla and SpaceX, claiming they were the world’s most valuable car and space companies. Musk concluded by noting that if drugs helped enhance his productivity, he would certainly take them.
Elon Musk, a prominent figure overseeing six major companies, including Tesla and SpaceX, has faced criticism and speculation about his alleged drug use. The claims have raised concerns among shareholders and industry observers regarding its potential impact on his role at the helm of these influential organizations. As the story unfolds, stakeholders will be watching closely for any developments or consequences arising from these revelations.