A Nebraska high school graduate named Kenny Morales drew gasps from the audience on Sunday, when he gave a captivating off-script speech at his graduation ceremony. The unexpected address came after Morales decided to ignore the content of the speech drafted by OpenAI’s ChatGPT — which was approved and checked by his school’s administration.
The commencement address began like any other, according to a transcript provided to the Grand Island Independent, until a few lines in when Morales started talking about how he “hated school,” and then proceeded to openly criticize the school’s “culture”. He accused administration of lying, instead of responsibly addressing issues, and called upon his classmates to become leaders and embody higher standards.
Kenny Morales said his mission with the speech was to carry a constructive message not common amongst graduations — something he achieved with great success against all odds. Nonetheless, Hank McFarland, president of the Grand Island Public Schools Board of Education, remarked that graduates are required to adhere to their submitted speeches.
Morales’ comments, however, were not entirely disregarded. McFarland agreed that valid points were made, particularly concerning discipline, class attendance and student performance. As he states, these topics have already been addressed by recently appointed superintendent Matt Fisher.
At the same time, this incident reveals the potential danger behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which can easily be employed in unethical and deceitful ways. Even its creator, Sam Altman, has recognized the terrifying implications of his project, as he recently shared his fears in front of Congress.
Conclusively, Kenny Morales’ speech reminds us that even when faced with draconian structures, young people can carry a powerful message and foster change.