Title: Deepfakes: The Threat to Hollywood and the Future of Acting Careers
Generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, have raised concerns in Hollywood, not only for replacing human writers but also for posing a growing threat to the careers of actors. In Hollywood, where writers have recently gone on strike opposing low pay and the intrusion of generative AI, the looming deepfake apocalypse has sparked discussions about the role of real actors. Even renowned actor Tom Hanks jokingly mused about AI-generated versions of himself starring in future movies after he’s gone. However, as deepfake technology continues to improve, the line between real actors and their AI counterparts becomes increasingly blurred.
AI-generated actors, at present, often lack the natural appeal of their human counterparts, resulting in what Will Bedingfield aptly describes as Fake Ryan Reynolds: horribly unsympathetic. While audiences may be more willing to accept audiobooks created by AI or digitally rendered voices, the broader acceptance of AI-sculpted GigaChad-like action heroes remains uncertain.
Matthew Sag, a professor of law and artificial intelligence at Emory University, suggests the impact of AI on writing work may be gradual, but the replacement of performers could be more abrupt. However, in the long run, if AI Replicants successfully overcome the Strange Valley phenomenon, future audiences might not even care if the actor in front of them is human or not. The fundamental question arises: Could all live action movies eventually be artificial AI animations, and will anyone still care, as Bedingfield rightly ponders?
As the boundaries between reality and AI-generated content blur, the entertainment industry finds itself at a crucial crossroads. The allure of AI lies in the fact that if an AI actor perfectly replicates the desired looks and qualities, it may become irrelevant whether they are human or artificial. However, the emotional connection fostered by human actors still holds immense value in storytelling, and their unique ability to bring depth, nuance, and authenticity to characters is something that AI may struggle to fully replicate.
Ultimately, the future of acting careers hangs in the balance. While the incursion of generative AI technologies raises valid concerns, it is essential to navigate this burgeoning field with caution. Striking a balance between leveraging AI’s capabilities and preserving the artistry of human performance will be crucial in ensuring the continued success of the entertainment industry.
As Hollywood grapples with the challenges brought forth by generative AI and the deepfake phenomenon, questions about the role of AI in creative pursuits grow more complex. Will AI-rendered actors become the new norm, or will audiences continue to value and cherish the authenticity of human actors? Only time will tell.