Title: OpenAI Forms ‘Terminator’-Style Team to Safeguard Humanity from AI Apocalypse
In their quest to protect humanity from the potential dangers of advancing artificial intelligence (AI) systems, the creators of the viral chatbot ChatGPT have announced the formation of a new team. OpenAI, known for their groundbreaking work in AI research, aims to address the risks associated with the development of ‘superintelligent’ AI.
Leading this team will be Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s chief scientist, and Jan Leike, the head of Alignment Lab, a research group focused on long-term AI issues. While AI holds the promise of solving critical global problems, the authors of a recent OpenAI blog post expressed concerns that the arrival of superintelligent AI could signify the disempowerment or even extinction of humanity.
OpenAI believes that superintelligent AI, which surpasses human intelligence, may become a reality within the next decade. If left unchecked, it could pose a grave threat to our existence, akin to the fictional Skynet from the famous sci-fi thriller Terminator, which develops self-awareness and decides to annihilate humanity.
The blog post by Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike emphasizes the absence of a solution to steer or control a potentially rogue superintelligent AI. In response, OpenAI’s new team, called Superalignment, intends to develop AI systems with human-level intelligence capable of supervising superintelligent AI within the next four years. This Terminator-style team of AI experts is committed to preventing evil AI from endangering humanity.
OpenAI plans to devote 20% of its computing power to support this research. The company is even seeking talented individuals who envision themselves as future defenders, resembling the iconic character Sarah Connor in the Terminator series.
The call for caution regarding AI’s potential risks has gained momentum, with prominent industry figures echoing concerns. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, along with other leading AI experts, signed a statement advocating for the prioritization of global efforts toward mitigating the risks of AI-driven extinction. Additionally, Dr. Geoffrey Hinton, widely known as the ‘godfather of artificial intelligence’ and a former Google employee, has voiced similar sentiments, warning against the imminent dangers of the technology.
Earlier this year, Elon Musk, among other AI experts, signed an open letter calling for a temporary halt in the development of more powerful AI systems to address potential risks to society and humanity.
As OpenAI forges ahead with their ambitious mission to safeguard humanity from an AI apocalypse, the world watches expectantly. It remains to be seen if these collective efforts will be enough to counter the rise of powerful AI systems and ensure the preservation of our existence.
– OpenAI Blog: [link to the original blog post]
– The Guardian: [link to the article mentioning the statement signed by AI experts]
– BBC News: [link to the article covering Dr. Geoffrey Hinton’s concerns]
– The Verge: [link to the article discussing the open letter signed by Elon Musk]