In Kolkata, four doctors of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital have been summoned by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) amid ongoing protests over the rape-murder of a trainee doctor. The CBI is set to question these PG trainees regarding the events of the night of the incident. Additionally, accused Sanjoy Roy has been taken for medical examination after being brought out of the CBI Special Crime Branch in Kolkata.
Nationwide, doctors continue to rally against the heinous crime at RG Kar Medical College. Medical professionals at Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad and RML Hospital in Delhi staged protests in solidarity with their colleagues in Kolkata. Dr. Priyanka from Gandhi Hospital emphasized the unity among doctors across the country, urging for continued support in seeking justice.
In response to the tragedy, a 12-hour general strike in Siliguri was called by the Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist). The strike significantly impacted daily life in the city, with most shops remaining closed. Dr. Shahriar Alam from SUCI (Communist) condemned the violence at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, stating that the strike aimed to protest the brutal act and subsequent vandalism.
Following these events, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) announced a nationwide withdrawal of services by modern medicine doctors from Saturday, August 17, to Sunday, August 18. This decision comes after reports of a mob attacking doctors and students at RG Kar Hospital, leading to further unrest in the medical community.
The tragic incident at RG Kar Medical College has sparked a wave of protests and solidarity actions across the nation and abroad. As the medical fraternity stands united in seeking justice, the demand for increased safety measures and protection for healthcare professionals grows louder. The need for concrete steps from authorities to address the issues raised by the medical community remains a top priority.