Can ChatGPT actually make you rich? The internet is flooded with ads promising an easy way to make money using ChatGPT, a machine learning model that helps generate human-like responses to human prompt inquiries. ChatGPT enables users to automate their workflows and reduce their workload. However, can ChatGPT alone guarantee financial success?
Many individuals claim to have used ChatGPT’s capabilities to generate income, from branding to app-creation to providing writing services. Articles list numerous ways to make money using ChatGPT, including coding, affiliate marketing, content marketing, optimizing video production, or becoming a prompting expert.
However, these claims are not always reliable. Though he had no coding knowledge, Ukrainian entrepreneur Ihor Stefurak built a Chrome extension using ChatGPT and claimed to have generated $1000 in revenue within 24 hours. Nonetheless, many YouTubers promise to help people make $100 a day without much knowledge about ChatGPT.
Moreover, the market is saturated with AI-generated ebooks on Amazon, many of which are accredited to ChatGPT. Yet, it is complicated to make substantial profits from this, as seen with Brett Schickler’s children’s book on saving and investing, which sold for $2.99 and netted him less than $100.
ChatGPT is an invaluable tool in reducing workload. However, it is not a magical solution that will automatically generate top-tier content for users. The quality of the output depends on the user’s input and subject knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to learn and hone skills, utilizing ChatGPT as a tool to support users in achieving their goals.
Ultimately, ChatGPT alone cannot guarantee financial success, and it is crucial not to be deceived by influencers with misleading content. Users must focus on their skills and goals before using ChatGPT to automate their workflows and reduce workload.