BRICS Women Business Alliance Unveils Digital Opportunities for Gender Equity
The BRICS Women Business Alliance (WBA) recently hosted a significant session in Durban titled Digital Transition for Gender Equity: Unveiling Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges. This gathering brought together influential figures from BRICS nations to explore the profound impact of digital transformation in bridging gender gaps.
Led by Dr. Thandeka Ellenson, the session provided a platform for insightful discussions among panelists representing each BRICS country. The panel consisted of Dr. Aarti Gupta from India, Kristina Romanovskaya from Russia, Ji Xiaochen from China, and Veronica Motloutsi from South Africa.
At the heart of the panel’s discourse was the pivotal role of digital transition in advancing gender parity, along with the need to overcome associated challenges. Kristina initiated the conversation by highlighting the importance of digitizing all sectors of the economy.
Dr. Gupta emphasized the undeniable influence of technology on modern enterprises. She stressed that nearly 90% of present-day businesses rely on technology in various forms, underscoring the importance of embracing digital transformation. With technologies like social media, e-commerce, and AI revolutionizing communication, trade, and operations, it becomes imperative to ensure universal digital proficiency, with a particular focus on empowering women.
All panelists fervently advocated for the involvement of women in digital entrepreneurship. The potential of digital initiatives to propel women’s integration into the global digital economy is immense. Businesses led by women, often smaller in scale and centered around retail and the informal sector, can leverage digital tools to operate remotely, expand their reach, and access untapped markets, resulting in significant efficiency gains.
Dr. Gupta highlighted the main hurdles faced by women in the digital domain, summarized in the ABCDEF framework:
– Access to Devices
– Basic Digital Literacy
– Cultural Norms in Patriarchal Societies
– Disparity in Education
– Entrepreneurial Disparity
– Financial Inaccessibility
Shifting the focus to collective action by BRICS nations, all panelists identified shared obstacles, including educational gaps, patriarchal norms, limited financial access, and information imbalances. Dr. Gupta proposed a comprehensive strategy, which includes:
– Providing women with access to mobile phones and internet-enabled devices
– Developing an inclusive curriculum focused on digital education
– Establishing a framework for collecting and analyzing gender-disaggregated data
– Encouraging innovative solutions and funding for women’s digital businesses
In essence, the BRICS WBA’s discussion on gender equity within the digital transition served as a compelling call to action. It underscored the transformative potential of technology and emphasized the vital role of collaboration in overcoming the obstacles that women face in an era defined by digitalization. The session paved the way for further dialogue and concrete steps towards achieving gender equity in the digital realm.