Bollywood director Shekhar Kapoor has unveiled the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the Hindi film industry. Sharing a picture of his cook, Nitesh, on social media, Kapoor revealed that Nitesh had managed to learn AI and write a Bollywood movie script in less than two hours. This groundbreaking achievement has sparked discussions about the potential of AI in revolutionizing creative processes.
Nitesh, who has been working with Kapoor for 18 years, started his day with a surprising revelation. Exploring the realms of AI through Google Gemini, Nitesh discovered new opportunities for storytelling. At 7 am, he began writing a script for the much-awaited sequel to Kapoor’s iconic film Mr India. By 8 am, Nitesh had completed the script, leaving Kapoor impressed by the power of AI in the creative realm.
However, while the industry marvels at Nitesh’s accomplishments, the rise of AI technology like Deepfake has raised concerns among professionals in the entertainment world. From writers to actors, the fear of job insecurity looms large as AI threatens to replace human talent. This fear has been reflected globally, as even Hollywood actors and writers recently went on strike to demand safeguards against AI’s encroachment into their domain.
Despite these concerns, Nitesh’s efforts to embrace AI have garnered praise online. Fans have applauded his quick adaption and expressed excitement for the upcoming sequel to Mr India. Nitesh’s story serves as an inspiration to those who see AI as a tool for creative exploration and innovation.
As AI continues to infiltrate various industries, including entertainment, the implications raise questions about the balance between human creativity and technological advancements. While AI promises efficiency and new possibilities, it also poses significant challenges and uncertainties. The world watches with anticipation as the film industry, and many others, navigate this new era of AI-driven creativity.
Cover Image: Patrick Gawande/Mashable India