Apple has unveiled the Vision Pro, its first augmented reality (AR) headset, designed to give users an immersive experience beyond the screen. TechCrunch’s editor-in-chief Matthew Harrison had a 30-minute demo session with the product and claimed that the company has delivered a genuine leapfrog in capability and execution of mixed reality. In addition to the Vision Pro, Apple also announced the introduction of a number of features for the upcoming iOS 17, including a personalized call poster, StandBy mode, live voicemail, and improved sticker experience.
TechCrunch also reported on a major medical breach, in which hackers stole personal and health information from half a million people during a ransomware attack on Intellihartx, a Tennessee-based company that handles patient payment balances and collections. Furthermore, WhatsApp is launching Channels, a broadcast-based messaging feature for its 2 billion users. This development is similar to a recent update rolled out by Instagram, as Meta experiments with giving users additional conversational options while potentially earning revenue from the feature.
Meanwhile, Apollo, the popular third-party Reddit app, is shutting down due to Reddit’s newly announced API pricing plans. Additionally, Mercedes-Benz has received a permit from California regulators, allowing the company to sell or lease vehicles equipped with a conditional automated driving system which enables hands-off, eyes-off driving on certain highways. Moreover, Sequoia plans to split into three separate entities – Sequoia Capital in the US and Europe, Peak XV Partners in India and Southeast Asia, and HongShan in China – to navigate the complex geopolitical landscape.
Lastly, proptech firm Aurum is acquiring NestAway, an Indian startup, for up to $10.9 million. NestAway, which was once valued at $227 million, raised $115 million since its inception in 2013.
In other news, TechCrunch’s range of podcasts covers a variety of tech-first topics, including Equity, which discusses recent collaborations between Affirm and Amazon and Cava’s IPO, among other topics. Found, a podcast, has featured interviews from Eli Ben-Joseph, the co-founder and CEO of Regard, a startup which reduces physician burnout. Additionally, Chain Reaction interviewed Paul Grewal, the chief legal officer at Coinbase. TechCrunch’s premium subscribers can access in-depth commentary, analysis, and surveys, with this week’s highlights covering climate change, venture slowdowns, and keeping software exciting for public software companies.