Apple has announced the M2 Ultra processor, a brand new chip designed for use with its Mac Studio workstation catering to professional users. This chip comes equipped with 134 transistors and 24 CPU cores, boasting a performance increase of up to 20%. The M2 also contains up to 76 GPU cores with a performance increase of up to 30%. Apple made this announcement at the WWDC event at their Cupertino campus.
This new chip will be utilized in the Mac Studio product, previously making use of Intel silicon. Machines like these are used by engineers in the entertainment industry to deliver shows like Saturday Night Live and create blockbuster movies as per Jennifer Munn at Apple. This completes Apple’s transition to their own in-house silicon.
Developers will be able to create new app versions at phenomenal speeds, with up to 25% faster performance when compared to previous models, meaning that as of now, even faster machines can be produced on the Mac Studio.
The M2 Ultra processor also includes a 32-core neural engine, which is 40% faster at AI calculations when compared to previous generations. The M2 can support up to 192 gigabytes of unified memory, which is 50% more than the M1 Ultra.
According to Munn, this new chip is the most powerful ever created for personal computers.