Apple has announced the launch of faster Mac computers with upgraded chips, along with revamped prices, in preparation for the upcoming holiday shopping season. The move aims to refresh Apple’s Mac lineup, which experienced a 7% decline in sales during the June quarter due to a global slowdown in PC sales.
The new computers, including the MacBook Pro and iMac models, are set to go on sale next week. Although they feature the same designs as last year’s models, they come equipped with new chips. Notably, the iMac had not received an update since April 2021, while the MacBook Pro models underwent a chip upgrade in January. Additionally, Apple introduced a 15-inch MacBook Air laptop in June.
During a Halloween-themed launch event, Apple highlighted that the new chips offer significant upgrades in terms of performance. They promise faster speeds, improved battery life, and, in the high-end models, the necessary power to develop artificial intelligence applications. Apple executives emphasized that these machines are noticeably faster and more efficient compared to the Intel-based Macs, which started being phased out in 2020.
Apart from introducing faster Macs, Apple also made a strategic move by reducing the price of its entry-level 14-inch MacBook Pro. Previously priced at a minimum of $1999, it now costs $1599. However, it should be noted that the entry-level model comes with a less powerful M3 chip, unlike last year’s model that featured a Pro-level chip.
The unveiling of faster Macs with upgraded chips and revamped prices positions Apple to cater to the demands of consumers during the crucial holiday shopping season. By providing enhanced performance and efficiency, Apple aims to attract customers seeking powerful machines for diverse applications, including artificial intelligence development.
With the upcoming launch of these upgraded Mac computers, Apple hopes to reverse the recent decline in Mac sales and regain momentum in the competitive PC market. The new offerings address the needs of different user segments, including professionals and creative individuals who rely on Macs for their work.
Overall, Apple’s latest announcement showcases its commitment to innovation and staying ahead in the market. The introduction of faster Macs with new chips, combined with adjusted prices, demonstrates the company’s dedication to meeting consumer demands and maintaining a competitive edge within the industry.