Apple, the iconic tech giant, is a known innovator that continuously pushes its way into the future. On June 5th, WWDC 2023, it is highly expected for Apple to finally enter into the virtual reality (VR) market with the launch of its much anticipated headset, the Reality Pro. Although the headset will undoubtedly come with an expensive price tag and limited availability due to its exclusive manufacture material, its release is still very exciting news for both consumers and competitors.
The Reality Pro is expected to have a pair of high-resolution OLED screens and an impressive processor– likely an H2 chip which is a standard protocol for all Apple’s wearable technology. To power the headset up, there will be an external battery pack, something that consumers may not be thrilled about. Despite this, it could still provide people with amazing, futuristic visuals and performances.
Although the anticipation of Apple releasing their headset is great, there still remains the issue of the company’s competition in the race of artificial intelligence (AI). Companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon have managed to leverage a great deal of success with AI via ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Alexa; all of which have been embraced by a large number of people. In contrast to that, Siri, Apple’s original virtual assistant is far behind and unable to facilitate any meaningful conversation.
To resolve this issue, Apple recently advertised an opening for a Visual Generative Modeling Researcher Role that could help to improve Siri with Generative AI. Unfortunately, due to the short-time that Apple has left before WWDC, it is unlikely that any improvements to Siri will be made.
All in all, it is very exciting to witness Apple making its move in the VR market, however, an untimely entrance may cost the company in the competitive AI industry. Apple fans and customers will have to wait to see what the company produces come WWDC 2023.