Apple Inc. has reportedly restricted the use of external artificial intelligence tools for its employees, including Microsoft’s GitHub’s Copilot and OpenAI’s ChatGPT. The Wall Street Journal revealed a document and sources which showed this move from the tech giant, as it has been developing its own AI solutions.
Apple expressed concerns that confidential information can potentially be leaked by employees if they use any external AI programs. Additionally, Apple isn’t allowing usage of Copilot, which is used to automate software coding, for the same reason. Last month, OpenAI disclosed an “incognito mode” for ChatGPT, which did not save any conversations or let it be used to enhance AI.
Just the other day on Thursday, ChatGPT was launched for Apple’s iOS users in the United States. Companies like Apple, Microsoft and OpenAI have not responded with any comments regarding the move.
The head of OpenAI is the renowned entrepreneur, Elon Musk. During his career, Musk has contributed greatly to industries like aerospace, renewable energy, transportation and more. He backed OpenAI in 2015 from his very own Tesla and SpaceX.
Since AI technology is becoming more advanced, attention is being drawn towards ChatGPT and other chatbot companies regarding the safety of data management. Many have also contemplated about the privacy policies in place when using such technologies.
The privacy of personal information must be ensured before the use of AI can become commonplace. Companies like Apple show that caution is important as they have taken the necessary steps to be certain that confidential information remains protected.
Overall, Apple’s move to restrict the use of external AI tools is a necessary step to keep users’ data safe. Thus, companies should be implementing similar policies regarding the use of AI to ensure user safety.