Title: New Hampshire Launches First Criminal Investigation into AI-Related Election Fraud Case
In a groundbreaking development, New Hampshire and federal authorities have announced a criminal investigation into the first-ever case of AI-related election fraud. The investigation centers around a series of robocalls made during the state’s recent primary, where Texas-based pollster Life Corporation and its owner, Walter Monk, have been identified as the culprits behind the AI-generated calls impersonating President Joe Biden.
Attorney General John Formella stated that between 5,000 and 24,000 fraudulent calls were made, urging Democrat voters to stay home during the primary and wait until the November elections to cast their votes. The use of AI to manipulate voters in this manner presents a concerning threat to the democratic election process, Formella emphasized.
The robocalls were conducted by Life Corporation, a company owned by Walter Monk, hailing from Arlington, Texas. The investigation marks the first criminal case involving the use of artificial intelligence to interfere with an election. Formella spoke at a press conference on February 6th, revealing that the calls impersonating President Biden were made just two days before the primary.
Although The Epoch Times reached out to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for comment, they did not respond regarding the robocalls. Governor Chris Sununu, a Republican, appointed Attorney General Formella, leading to speculation about a potential vice president pick for GOP candidate Nikki Haley.
According to Formella, the fraudulent calls featured statements from President Biden, urging voters to save their votes for the November election rather than participating in the primary. Furthermore, the calls manipulated caller ID information to appear as if they were coming from the New Hampshire Democratic Chair, which is currently held by Ray Buckley.
In response to Life Corporation’s involvement, the Federal Communications Commission‘s (FCC) Enforcement Bureau issued a cease-and-desist order to Walter Monk. The FCC, along with Formella’s office, has also issued subpoenas and notices to preserve documents to Lingo Telecom, the company responsible for routing the fake President Biden robocalls.
The investigation aims to uncover the extent of Life Corporation’s activities beyond the January 21st robocalls. Formella made it clear that his office reserves the right to take further enforcement actions based on any conduct preceding the date of the order. This is not the first time that Lingo and Life Corporation have come under scrutiny for illegal robocall activities.
Commenting on the investigation, Formella emphasized that any attempt to undermine the integrity of elections and the democratic process will not be tolerated. He issued a warning to individuals and companies involved in such activities, stating that they would face consequences for their actions.
The case highlights the potential dangers of AI-generated recordings and deceptive practices, underscoring the need for robust measures to safeguard the electoral system. As the investigation unfolds, authorities are determined to ensure the protection of democracy and the transparent functioning of future elections.