An AI-generated ad for a fake pizza restaurant has shown that the technology still has a long way to go. The ad, created by Reddit user PizzaLater, was posted to the Midjourney Reddit page and shows a family gathering to enjoy pizza together and a chef tossing dough while smoke billows from their arm. The ad also features a delivery person with a pizza delivery bag. The ad prompted a response from Pizza Hut’s official Twitter account with the ad’s slogan of “Pepperoni Hug Spot, it’s like family, but with more cheese!”.
PizzaLater used tools such as ChatGPT Plus to write the script and Runway Gen2, a text-to-video AI tool, to create the clips. While the ad does resemble a normal pizza ad, it is easy to tell that it has been generated by AI due to the choppy dialogue, random mouth movements of people, and items such as the smoke billowing from the chef’s arm.
PizzaLater was inspired to make the fake pizza ad after seeing a viral AI-generated video of Will Smith eating spaghetti and has even set up a website with merchandise for the fake Pepperoni Hug Spot. He believes that tools like this are exciting and inspire creativity for motion graphic artists.
The company mentioned in the article, Pizza Hut, is a large restaurant chain that was founded in the United States in 1958. It is now the largest pizza chain in the United States and the world. They are known for their fresh and delicious pizzas, and their diverse menu also includes baked wings, sides, desserts, and more.
The user PizzaLater, who remains anonymous, is a commercial motion graphics designer and a Reddit user who created the AI-generated ad for a fake pizza restaurant. They were inspired to create the ad after seeing a viral AI-generated video of Will Smith eating spaghetti and has since created a website to merchandise the fake Pepperoni Hug Spot.