ClearML, an open-source MLOps vendor is looking to provide users a ‘sneak peak’ into AI deployments. On July 11-12, the company invites executives from all around the world to San Francisco to gain insights on how leaders integrate and optimize AI investments for success. The firm is now experiencing strong growth in the first quarter of 2023, with over 1, 300 users onboard its ClearML MLOps platform. It is being propelled by increasing demand for more development and deployment in the field of machine learning (ML).
In MLOps, the goal is to offer users a set of tools needed to efficiently move along the ML workflow from building to testing. ClearML features an open source project as well as an enterprise edition since September 2022. To advance the platform, they have presented new features, such as ‘sneak peak’. This allows users to iteratively deploy prototypes and receive previews in real time, while the model is still in development. It also features model lineage capability that helps with AI explainability, as it visualizes the history of models and how they change.
ClearML wants to make ML development more accessible and to accelerate the process of receiving benefit, hearing an increasing demand from 150,000 data scientists in the past quarter. It offers a degree of ML implementation inside of a product, with a continuous learning approach that trains a model as the data collection progresses. Additionally, the tool helps with AI explainability through the model lineage capabilities.
The company’s co-founder and CEO Moses Guttmann saw potential in his firm’s open- source based MLOps tool and accelerated it with the emergence of ChatGPT in 2022. Today, ClearML is successfully introducing advanced functionalities and rising in popularity.