Hello everyone!
Recently, the rules and regulations of UKBF were revised to include a ban on the use of AI generated content on these forums, as there has been a huge influx of spammers coming from different countries and creating posts with this automated gibberish. The moderators and I are keeping a look out for these posts, but if you come across posts that you find suspicious, don’t hesitate to report them so we can take action. We will run these posts through AI checkers and either delete them or give out appropriate warnings, or if necessary, ban them.
I want this site to be a place for real people to have real conversations, share experiences and give advice to each other. Fake, automated content should have no place here.
At UKBF, we believe that conversations should be meaningful and without any AI-generated material. It is essential that we maintain our original content and not let malicious parties use fake conversations to control and manipulate our community. We thrive on genuine conversations from real people and this is why we have created a safe and secure environment for all users. UKBF values your time and encourages users to have a good time discussing and exchanging ideas and opinions about topics of interest.
When it comes to AI technology, we recognize it has some benefits and uses. However, we ask that any AI-generated content and opinions be used with caution and respect to human beings. We welcome any technological advancements that help to make the community better and safer, but only if it is used appropriately.
Lastly, I would like to extend a special mention for the moderators and members at UKBF for their continued efforts in ensuring a safe and secure environment for discussion. Their dedication and commitment to protecting the community from threats is commendable and extremely appreciated.