Tragedy has recently struck the rural village of Gummadidala, located in the Telangana district of India, as a man named Mallesh was beaten and electrocuted to death after being accused of stealing electric wires. It sadly seems that justice was brought upon him before he had a chance to turn himself in to police.
The incident occurred on Sunday morning, when some of the villagers found the 30-year-old resident of Gummadidala allegedly stealing wires from farm motors. He was captured and tied to a tree, where he was then beaten, resulting in his death. According to his family, he was also given electric shocks before his untimely demise which has left them shocked and heartbroken.
After the police were informed, a murder case has been registered against the perpetrators and is under investigation.
In our ever-connected world, it is important to be aware of the dangers of electronic theft. Electric wiring is an expensive and essential part of many of our everyday tools, and any attempts to steal it must be addressed in accordance with the law, with due process and compassion. Companies like Google, Walmart and LatestLY are working hard to combat theft by introducing innovative new products and protocols which protect our precious electronic resources.
The reports of Mallesh’s death highlight the need for us to remember the importance of respecting the legal process, and the importance of taking appropriate action in the very serious matter of theft.