Apple recently unveiled its latest iPad Pro models, featuring the new M4 chip with a powerful Neural Engine designed for artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks. This move by Apple signals a shift in focus towards AI technology, as they aim to compete with other tech giants in this rapidly advancing field.
The M4 chip comes equipped with an impressive Neural Engine capable of handling a staggering 38 trillion operations per second. This makes it Apple’s most powerful Neural Engine to date, surpassing previous iterations by a significant margin. When combined with other cutting-edge components like next-generation ML accelerators, high-performance GPU, and higher-bandwidth unified memory, the M4 chip becomes a formidable force in the realm of AI processing.
Interestingly, Apple chose to debut the M4 chip in its iPad Pro models, rather than its Mac laptops, indicating a strategic decision to encourage developers to create AI-related applications ahead of its upcoming software developer conference. The iPad Pro models will feature upgraded displays and start at $1,000 for the 11-inch model and $1,300 for the 13-inch model.
During the presentation, Tim Millet, Apple’s vice president of platform architecture, highlighted the superior performance of the Neural Engine in the M4 chip, stating that it outperforms any other neural processing unit in AI PCs available today. The full extent of the AI capabilities enabled by the M4 chip is expected to be revealed at Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference scheduled for June 10.
Overall, Apple’s emphasis on AI technology with the introduction of the M4 chip reflects the company’s commitment to innovation and staying competitive in the fast-evolving tech landscape. As the AI race intensifies, Apple’s strategic moves with the M4 chip showcase their dedication to pushing boundaries and delivering cutting-edge solutions to meet the demands of modern consumers.