Elon Musk has recently unveiled plans for the development of an artificial intelligence (AI) platform, under the name “TruthGPT”. This AI is designed to measure truth and seek out understanding of the universe, rivaling the likes of OpenAI’s ChatGPT application and Microsoft’s GPT-powered Bing Chat. Musk made the announcement during an interview with Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, which was aired on April 17 of this year.
Musk was disappointed with OpenAI’s current level of AI research and development, and publicly accused them of “training the AI to lie” and subsequently turning into a “closed source, for-profit organization”, closely allied with Microsoft. Aiming for a platform capable of “maximum truth”, Musk decided to build his own AI project, called “TruthGPT”.
In order to further develop the project, Musk recruited AI researchers from Google. He aims to build an AI that can efficiently write, potentially manipulating public opinion but only for good causes. Musk emphasizes the potential dangers of AI development, even compared to mismanaged aircraft or car production. As a result, he has had meetings with former U.S. President Barack Obama, during which he urged Washington to better regulate artificial intelligence.
Earlier this year, Microsoft carried out a $1 billion investment in OpenAI and shortly afterwards it announced another $10 billion injection. Microsoft now owns 49% of all profits made by the for-profit OpenAI. According to OpenAI, that partnership allowed the company to make AI more mainstream, with applications such as Microsoft 365 Copilot, Bing Chat and Bing Image Creator, Azure OpenAI Service, Dynamics 365 Copilot and GitHub Copilot X.
The FutureOfLife initiative, led by Elon Musk, was released last month in order to control AI development. As a response, the project wrote an open letter, urging all AI developers to cease development of AI potentially more powerful than GPT-4 for at least half a year.
X.AI Corp is the latest startup created by Elon Musk, which he has registered last month. The company, responsible for the creation of TruthGPT, will compete with Microsoft’s projects for the global market in artificial intelligence. Musk and his team at TruthGPT hope to solve the issues of AI safety, using the platform to save civilization in the end.