A recent MLIV Pulse survey reveals parents of kindergarteners should guide their children towards a career in healthcare in the face of increasing automation of tasks, brought on by AI programs such as ChatGPT. The survey gathered the opinions of 678 respondents and nearly 40 percent suggested healthcare was the ideal career option for these children.
This comes as the demand for healthcare workers is increasing as the world’s population ages. Data from economic trends suggest a steady rise in this demand, making it a possible long-term career choice for those from the upcoming generation.
While high school graduates are recommended to undertake careers in tech, big layoffs at Meta Platforms Inc., Amazon.com Inc. and Alphabet Inc. are a cause for concern. Despite this, the demand for tech savvy skills has surged and is seen as a viable choice for the younger generations.
On the other hand, the finance sector still remains popular and lucrative for now. Reviews from 556 professional investors, 122 retail investors and a senior vice president of a human-resources firm are in support of this fact.
Investors, however, remain cautious of the changes faced by Wall Street as a result of AI automation and its potential impacts. Big layoffs and a decline in the KBW Bank Index is also a cause of concern.
Meanwhile, trade schools are seen as a good alternative for the younger generation. Training to become a carpenter, electrician or plumber is seen as a somewhat viable career choice that cannot be easily outsourced or automated.
The MLIV Pulse is a weekly survey by Bloomberg’s Markets Live team conducted by Bloomberg News readers. The survey runs a 24/7 blog on the Bloomberg Terminal.
ChatGPT is a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT-2) model for natural language processing, developed by Meta Platforms Inc. This AI program can key off headlines, texts and other prompts to generate natural language conversations. The website for ChatGPT state that it supports businesses of all sizes, and the program can mimic human-like conversations to provide customer support, simplify document preparation, and facilitate natural language understanding.
Andrew Challenger is the senior vice president of human-resources consulting firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc. A Harvard alumni, Mr Challenger has experience advising recruiters of traditional industries such as the federal government and automakers. He has witnessed the beneficial effects of tech talent being acquired by these employers, leading to a transformation of the industry’s inner workings.
In conclusion, it is important to note that the younger generation have multiple career options available to them, each comes with its own set of risks and rewards. Healthcare is seen as a promising choice due to the increasing demand, however, higher education programs are recommended to ensure a successful career. Regardless, parents and teachers should continue to encourage children to pursue their interests.