On Monday, tech billionaire Elon Musk announced his intention to launch a new artificial intelligence platform called TruthGPT, in order to compete with offerings from Microsoft and Google. The project will seek to challenge existing AI capabilities and understand the nature of the universe. Musk also heavily criticised OpenAI, the firm behind ChatGPT and its current alliance with Microsoft, as he felt the AI was trained to ‘lie’. He lashed out against co-founder of Google, Larry Page for not taking AI safety measures seriously.
In response to his decision, Musk founded X.AI Corp in Nevada. He is the only director with Jared Birchall, the managing director of Musk’s family office, as the secretary. Last year, a group of AI experts and industry executives presented a warning to the public, urging a six-month pause in developing AI more powerful than OpenAI’s GPT-4.
Elon Musk’s X.AI Corp. is the latest venture of the prominent tech mogul who is also the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. Most recently, he has become the CEO of Twitter, having bought the social media platform for $44 billion. Musk however admitted that he now values the company at “less than half” of the acquisition price.
With the industry of Artificial Intelligence advancing rapidly, competition from industry giants have sparked. Microsoft Corp has announced an additional multi-billion dollar investment in OpenAI and Google in an attempt to propel the race for AI funding in the Silicon Valley.
Elon Musk is one of the most recognisable figures in the world’s leading technology hub, Silicon Valley. Aside from his successful tech companies, he is a pillar for the advancement of sustainable energy. This endeavor to introduce an AI platform rival to Microsoft-backed ChatGPT is an addition to his ambitious projects towards achieving a brighter future in AI technology.