A woman in New York City used a revolutionary artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, to make her landlord fix her faulty appliances. Svetlana, who chose to remain anonymous, received a rent increase notice of 0.4%, raising her rent from $1,389 to $1,395; after receiving this notice, she had filed for a rent decrease due to her washing machine and dryer not working for more than two years. Hoping to have a strong legally-grounded argument, she decided to take help of ChatGPT to craft an email to her landlord.
Using the AI chatbot, she gave shape to her argument and asserted that the rent raise was given only as a retaliatory measure as a consequence of her filing a complaint to the landlord and demanding a rent decrease. The email, backed by legal terminology, drew an agreement from the landlord and he proceeded to repair the appliances the same month. This instance successfully proved how the groundbreaking technology of AI chatbots could effectively communicate an argument in an intelligible and compelling way.
ChatGPT has been changing the way people work by providing them access to an AI-powered conversation partner that can help to craft emails, draw up contracts, and much more. It can help people to get a better insight on an issue and provide them an advantage over their opponents in a legal dispute. The chatbot can also provide helpful commentary, reference Judicial codes or regulations, cite prior decisions, and ultimately deliver a well-researched result.
Apart from providing a legal leg-up, its AI-driven technology can also help people collaborate, bounce ideas around, and generate highly polished pieces of writing. Svetlana acknowledges the invaluable guidance that ChatGPT can provide, while stating that it works like a “super-smart, objective, real-time sounding board”. With this kind of AI-driven technology available, people can now confidently stand up for their rights and negotiate better outcomes for themselves.
Interestingly, Svetlana is an executive assistant who utilises ChatGPT for her work. After being successful in having her appliances repaired by her landlord, she is also looking at using this technology to address legal disputes like a chain-smoking neighbor in her building who is causing her breathing problems.
In conclusion, the availability of ChatGPT and its technology has enabled people to vocalise their thoughts in the grandest of ways. It gives people the power to argue their point from a technically sound platform. This technology is truly redefining the future of our legal system and creating more opportunities for people to make their voices heard.