France, Germany, and Italy Collaborate on Binding Commitments for AI Providers in the EU
France, Germany, and Italy have recently come together and reached an agreement on the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) within the European Union (EU). This joint collaboration, outlined in a shared paper viewed by Reuters, is expected to expedite negotiations at the European level. The agreement revolves around voluntary commitments that are nevertheless binding for AI providers operating within the EU who choose to endorse these commitments.
At present, discussions are ongoing between the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the EU Council to determine the EU’s stance on AI regulation. In June, the European Parliament proposed an AI Act aimed at mitigating the risks associated with AI applications and preventing discriminatory impacts, while simultaneously harnessing the innovative potential of AI.
During these discussions, the European Parliament suggested that the code of conduct initially be binding only for major AI providers, most of which are based in the US. However, the three EU governments involved in this recent agreement expressed concern that such an advantage for smaller European providers could undermine trust in them, potentially resulting in a decrease in their customer base.
To address this issue, the governments have concluded that rules concerning conduct and transparency should apply to all AI providers, regardless of their size or origin. Initially, no sanctions will be imposed on those who fail to comply with the code of conduct. However, after a certain period, a sanction system may be introduced in the event of any violations.
Additionally, the joint paper suggests the establishment of a European authority that would be responsible for overseeing compliance with these standards in the future.
In summary, France, Germany, and Italy have united in establishing binding commitments for AI providers in the EU. While the commitments are voluntary in nature, adherence to them is mandatory for both small and large AI providers operating within the EU who choose to sign up. By working together, these governments hope to create a level playing field and ensure that all AI providers adhere to the same rules of conduct and transparency, irrespective of their size or origin. This collaborative effort is set to play a significant role in shaping AI regulation within the EU and balancing the interests of both providers and users.