A surprising turn of events unfolded on the popular television show Antiques Roadshow when a guest brought in a gold bag that had been left mysteriously in a safety deposit box. The guest, whose mother-in-law unexpectedly received a call from London about the box, initially suspected a hoax. However, the family was reassured by the bank that the box was indeed theirs to claim.
Inside the box, among other items, was the gold bag, described as gorgeous and heavy metal by expert Susan Rumfitt. She determined that the bag was made of solid nine-carat gold and dated back to the glamorous era of the 1920s known for its beautiful jewels. The bag’s value was estimated to be between £4,000 and £6,000, leaving viewers astonished.
The mystery surrounding the bag deepened as the original owner could not be identified by the bank. Viewers were intrigued by the enigmatic circumstances, with some speculating that this was just the beginning of a thrilling tale. The guest expressed their hope that by appearing on the show, someone might recognize the bag and shed light on its history.
In another segment of Antiques Roadshow, antique expert Alastair Dickenson was captivated by a golden cigarette case brought in by a guest. The case had belonged to her late brother, and she was unaware of its true value or how he had acquired it. To her surprise, Dickenson discovered the name Cartier on the case, one of the most renowned jewelers in history. This revelation explained the case’s exquisite design, reflecting the elegance of a bygone era when smoking was prevalent.
Dickenson estimated the value of the Cartier cigarette case to be between £5,000 and £7,000. The woman was pleasantly shocked by the appraisal, as she had not anticipated its significant worth. The case’s simplicity and association with the esteemed jeweler contributed to its value, making it a valuable collector’s item.
Both of these unexpected discoveries on Antiques Roadshow captivated viewers with their allure and mystery. The gold bag and cigarette case showcased the timeless craftsmanship and beauty of the past, leaving audiences in awe of the hidden treasures that can be found in unexpected places.
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