In a groundbreaking move, Egypt is set to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) in the restoration of ancient mummies and human remains. Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, in collaboration with the Atomic Energy Authority, will host a unique workshop that combines nuclear, radiological, and AI techniques for the preservation and documentation of these historical artifacts.
The three-day workshop, organized by the Department of Restoration of Mummies and Human Remains, will see the participation of experts and specialists from the ministry, the authority, and Cairo University’s Faculty of Archeology. The laboratories of the Atomic Energy Authority boast advanced technologies that can examine, maintain, and analyze human remains without causing any harm.
The Artificial Intelligence Division of the Atomic Energy Authority will play a crucial role in supporting the restorers during their work. Scientists from the authority will provide detailed explanations of the technologies used during the workshop.
Rania Ahmed, the director of the Mummies Restoration Department, emphasized the importance of integrating AI technology in this field. By keeping pace with the latest scientific advancements, AI offers a non-invasive method of examining mummies while safeguarding Egypt’s rich heritage. Significantly, this workshop marks the first time that AI technology will be employed in the restoration of mummies and human remains in Egypt. Its applications will extend beyond video preparation and facial reconstruction to encompass restoration work.
Training sessions will focus on the utilization of AI in the restoration field, with specific programs reviewed to enhance the restorer’s ability to evaluate the restoration process, even before commencing work. Restoration workers will have the option to use a specialized program on a laptop or iPad to capture images of the available bones from the remains. These images can then be processed through the program.
This groundbreaking development promises to revolutionize the restoration of ancient artifacts in Egypt. With the integration of AI technology, experts can rely on state-of-the-art techniques for meticulous restoration work, preserving the country’s unique cultural heritage for future generations to appreciate. The combination of nuclear, radiological, and AI approaches will provide a comprehensive methodology that ensures the careful examination and restoration of these fascinating historical remains.