On Monday, India’s Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw made a major announcement regarding the country’s first quantum computing-based telecom network link, which is now operational in the national capital. The quantum communication link is set up between Sanchar Bhawan and National Informatics Centre office located in CGO Complex. Vaishnaw also announced a Rs 10 lakh reward for ethical hackers who can successfully decode the encryption of the system.
Apart from this, Vaishnaw took the opportunity to invite quantum computing firms in India to develop pilot projects for communications networks and Indian Railways. He also hinted at a major upcoming announcement related to the launching of a conversational AI chatbot tool, which will be revealed in the coming weeks after Parliament’s session is over.
OpenAI, a San Francisco based artificial intelligence (AI) company, has developed a new AI-powered ChatGPT which has taken the world by storm with its amazing conversational skills. The tool can provide definitive answers to questions prompt user response, provide scripts, lyrics, essays, articles and copy which can be used for multiple purposes.
This announcement has generated much excitement in the technology and AI arenas. India has now become a part of this conversation AI chatbot technology race, and people are eager to know more about it. However, they will have to wait until after the Parliament session to get the official announcement.
Indian Railways has been preparing itself for the future by utilizing the recent advancements in quantum computing and AI technologies. With the new quantum communication link, it is expected that many projects would be implemented by the government for faster and more efficient communication between different cities and countries. This venture will significantly contribute to the digital progress of India.