“Mrs. Davis” is an exceptional show created by series creator Damon Lindelof and starring Emmy and Golden Globe winner Christina Gilpin and Margo Martindale. In this show, religion is depicted in both a physical and spiritual way that Artificial Intelligence (AI) lacks. Throughout the series, the algorithm sets a task for main character Simone, who makes a decision in order to destroy the AI and locate the Holy Grail. Along with her ex-boyfriend and his anti-AI cell, she encounters numerous other characters in a quest to ultimately achieve the goal. The show actively balances genres such as drama and comedy, grappling with questions surrounding AI with high jinks and sarcasm.
Eliezer Yudkowsky is a prominent tech prophet and researcher in the field of AI. He has expressed his thoughts on ChatGPT, a computer-generated tool which he believes is being used to do jobs that require essays. He also is a critic on how AI can reduce the value of art. Yudkowsky thinks that the idea of art and creativity being an enigma is lost on those trying to use AI to optimize the world.
Overall, “Mrs. Davis” provides a unique and modern take on religion, AI and art. Through the show, the audience has the opportunity to explore the implications of AI in a physical and spiritual way, with witty comedy and timely challenges. Eliezer Yudkowsky has also expanded this discussion by raising awareness of the impact AI can have on art and its creative potential. Both the show and Yudkowsky’s works will urge people to think critically and analyze the implications of AI in the world that we live in.