Digital artist Rhett Mankind recently tweeted about his success with an AI tool called ChatGPT. He gave the AI instructions along with a budget of $69 to create a memecoin that would compete with the hype of all other memecoins and reach CoinGecko’s top 300. After one week of launch, the Turbo memecoin created from ChatGPT has reached a marketcap of over $30 million.
Mankind sought the AI tool’s help for the memecoin’s name and branding. ChatGPT, produced the final name ‘TurboToad’ after a voting process conducted on Twitter. The artist also used Midjourney to make the mascot for the memecoin, giving it a unique identity.
CoinMarketCap and Google search results both indicate that the Turbo memecoin is a success, demonstrating the potential of ChatGPT in creating blockchain products. ChatGPT is a part of Chatfuel, a company committed to bridging the gap between human communication and Artificial Intelligence. Founded in 2015, the company is backed by investors such as Y Combinator, Tencent, and Kin Ventures.
Rhett Mankind is a digital artist specializing in blockchain technology and AI. He was recently employed by the Canadian-based Unblur as a content producer. His work as a blockchain artist has been covered in major publications such as Fast Company, HuffPost, and Variety. Mankind has also contributed in course content for the Ontario Blockchain Institute, helping to educate and introduce people to blockchain technology.