Grey Junior School student, Ridge Lawson, achieved an impressive feat by coming second in a national reading competition. The 12-year-old from Gqeberha showcased his exceptional reading skills at the final round of the Reading Riot competition in Pretoria.
In a recent interview, Ridge shared his experience of participating in the competition, emphasizing the importance of reading fast and comprehending text effectively. The competition aimed to identify the top grade 6 reader in South Africa, and Ridge stood out among the participants from various schools across the country.
Utilizing the Reading Riot app on iPads, Ridge competed against his peers at Grey Junior School, emerging as the sole male representative from his school to advance to the finals. Accompanied by two participants from the Eastern Cape, Ridge traveled to The University of Pretoria for the final round, where they were tasked with reading and comprehending texts within a time limit.
Despite tough competition, Ridge’s dedication and skill secured him the second position overall, a remarkable achievement that filled him with pride and excitement. When he’s not immersed in books, Ridge enjoys playing soccer, with a keen interest in the sport.
Proud of her son’s passion for reading, Ridge’s mother, Michelle Lawson, highlighted his unwavering love for books and shared anecdotes of his late-night reading habits. With a strong focus on football and a knack for scoring goals, Ridge’s interests are varied, showcasing his diverse talents beyond the realm of academics.
As Ridge continues to balance his love for reading and soccer, his success in the national reading competition serves as a testament to his commitment and abilities, earning him recognition as one of the top young readers in South Africa.